Strengthening bonds of Parent : Child relation during the lockdown period
Session 1: Strengthening Bonds During Lockdown Period
Session 2: Strengthening Bonds During Lockdown Period
Session 3: Role of curiosity in life
Session 4: Saying good boy or good girl is ingerious for child's development.
Session 5: Failure, its impact & to teach our child to remove focus on failure.
Session 6: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction - Applying this law in our life
Session 7: 4 levels of Communications.
Session 8: Importance of Adventure and Risk taking ability in our children.
Session 9: Comparision - why we compare and its impact on our relations.
Session 10 : What all to observe and understand while playing with our child?
Session 11 : What all to observe and understand while playing with our child?
Session 12: How to reducess or eradicate Generation Gap from your home?
Session 13 : How to reducess or eradicate Generation Gap from your home?
Session 14 : Share your limitations and weaknesses with your child.
Session 15 : Plan to have your child choose a 'Role model' which s/he likes.
Session 16 : Plan your child's future in specific terms and measurements.
Session 17 : Scolding to our child creates a huge gap in the relationship.
Session 18 : How to make our child responsible without scolding??
Session 19 : Increase in the bond with parent learning something new.
Session 20 : Planning activities to consume child's energy every day.
Session 21 : Love your child maximum when s/he is angry.